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Hunger in Crisis: Food Bank Practices and the Social Safety Net

My dissertation research explores food bank responses in the pandemic, examining their responses during an inflection point for food banking. I draw on in-depth interviews with food bank leaders and geospatial analysis of food bank resources.
Two people filling bags with food for a distribution

Grants & Awards


  • Graduate Program Fellowship

    Tuition and stipend from University of California, Davis
  • Graduate Student Association, Travel Award

    $500 from University of California, Davis


  • Sociology Graduate Program Travel Grant

    $1000 from University of California, Davis
  • Sociology Small Research Grant

    $1000 from University of California, Davis
  • Graduate Program Fellowship

    Tuition and stipend from University of California, Davis
  • Graduate Student Association, Travel Award

    $300 from University of California, Davis


Past Research Assitants

    Juli Bautista

    Juli graduated from The University of California Davis, in Sociology with an emphasis in Social Service and a minor in Chicanx Studies. She is interested in aiding marginalized communities like people of color, women, low-income, and undocumented populations. While working with Alana, she developed a better understanding of the difficulties various groups face accessing food in Yolo County and learned about various food banks through out California.

    Kymberley Chu

    Kymberley Chu graduated in 2021 from the University of California, Davis double majoring in Anthropology and International Relations. Kymberley aspires to pursue academic research and PhD programs that examine social issues such as the psychology of racism. She enjoys reading, coding, weightlifting and making mind maps in her free time.

    An Do

    An graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Sociology degree in 2022. She is pursuing a career in food justice with an emphasis on promoting cultural inclusivity and plans on studying public health in the future. In her free time, she likes running, gardening, cooking, and listening to music.

    Sophia Flores

    Sophia is graduated from UC Davis in 2022 with a Sociology major. She is interested in research related to education, criminology, and food disparity. She is planning on pursuing a career related to administrative social work. She enjoys reading and hiking in her spare time.

    Valeria Hernandez

    Valeria Hernandez graduated from the University of California Davis in 2020 with a sociology and Spanish double major with an emphasis in law and society. Her future goals revolve around housing inequality and food disparities within the United States. Throughout her undergraduate career, she focused on being able to give back to the community. Her upcoming goals revolve around obtaining her masters in social work, and one day look more into the field of law.

    Eindra Khine

    Eindra graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Sociology degree in 2022. After graduation, she plans on becoming a pediatrician and doing public health work. Outside of her career interests, she enjoys creating art, photography, going to the gym, and traveling.

    Jeffrey Lee

    Jeffrey graduated in 2022 from the University of California, Davis double majoring in Sociology - Organizational Studies and Community and Regional Development. He is interested in pursuing a career in nonprofit development. He enjoys making Spotify playlists, going to concerts, and traveling alone in his free time.

    Reyna Morabe

    Reyna Morabe graduated from UC Davis in 2021 with a double major in Sociology Organizational Studies and Economics. She was a peer educator intern for the Center for Leadership Learning, a member of the student-run organization UCD Mental Health Initiative, a member of the Underrepresented Minorities in Economics Society, and a research assistant in the Sociology department. She is passionate about learning ways to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into her work.